How to Know If Your Child Has a Cavity

Cavities are holes in the teeth caused by tooth decay. Tooth decay occurs when cavity-causing bacteria in the mouth turns the simple sugars that you consume into harmful acids, which work to break down tooth enamel. If the tooth decay progresses enough, it will result...

Health Benefits of Orthodontic Work

Sometime during your child’s adolescence, you may very well find your pedodontist recommending that your child visit an orthodontist for a consultation regarding orthodontic work. Orthodontic work is an investment that will leave your child with straight teeth and an...

Teaching Children to Care for Their Gums

Have you gotten your children to brush their teeth regularly but are still worried about the health of their gums? Here are some tips to making gum care a part of their dental routine as well. Relate the importance of oral health. Remember: good dental care habits are...

Summer Dental Care for Kids

The summer months in particular wreak havoc on children’s dental health because of the increases in outdoor activity and sugary food consumption that are so often seen during the summer. This means that you need to pay particularly close attention to your children’s...

All About Dental Sealants

A dental sealant is a thin plastic coating that is applied to the back teeth to seal off the pits and fissures and to help prevent food from settling into the teeth. This type of sealant can last up to 10 years before needing to be reapplied and can be extremely...