Special Needs Pediatric Dentistry


Ensuring that every child receives proper dental care is crucial for their overall health and well-being. However, for children with special needs, visiting a special needs pediatric dentistry clinic can be a daunting experience. That’s where specialized pediatric dentists at Surprise Pediatric Dental step in to make a difference.

We want to make sure that special needs children and their families have access to a compassionate and skilled special needs pediatric dentist dedicated to providing quality dental care tailored to the unique needs of these special children.
Our specially trained and compassionate pediatric dentists, understand the challenges faced by children with special needs and their families. With extensive training in special care dentistry, our entire team at Surprise Pediatric Dentistry are committed to creating a welcoming and accommodating environment for every child who walks through the door.
One of the key aspects of our approach to special needs pediatric dentistry ir our personalized care. We recognize that each child is unique, and we take the time to understand their individual needs, preferences, and sensitivities. From sensory issues to communication barriers, we adapt our techniques and tools to ensure a comfortable and stress-free experience for every patient.
Our office is equipped with specialized equipment and facilities designed to cater to children with special needs. We strive to create a sensory-friendly environment with calming colors, gentle lighting, and soothing music. Our staff members are trained in techniques to effectively communicate with children who may have difficulty expressing themselves verbally.
Furthermore, we emphasize preventive care and early intervention to maintain optimal oral health. Through regular check-ups, cleanings, and education, we empower children and their families to take an active role in their dental hygiene routines.
Above all, we prioritize building trust and fostering positive relationships with our young patients. We take the time to build rapport, earning their confidence and helping them feel at ease during dental visits. By creating a supportive and understanding atmosphere, we aim to instill a lifelong appreciation for dental health and wellness.
We take being a Special Needs Pediatric Dentist in Surprise AZ seriously. And we are proud to serve the special needs community in Surprise, AZ, and beyond. Our dedicated team is here to ensure that every child receives the compassionate care they deserve, helping them smile brighter and thrive with confidence.


Special Needs Dentistry, Defined

Special needs dentistry is a specialized field of dental practice that addresses patients’ individual needs with conditions relating to emotional, physical, mental, behavioral, developmental, or cognitive impairment. 

The dental procedures in special needs dentistry are the same as traditional pediatric dentistry, e.g., cleanings, examinations, and fillings. However, special needs dentistry approaches each treatment with a profound understanding and sensitivity to each child’s unique circumstances and meets both emotional and medical needs.

Special needs dental care is effective for treating children with conditions including but not limited to:

  • Autism
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Downs syndrome
  • ADD
  • ODD (oppositional defiant disorder)

Special needs children are prone to dental issues specific to their condition. Some special needs children may be more likely to suffer oral trauma, while others are prone to tooth decay or gum disease. Some medications and prescribed diets negatively impact the oral health of your child. 

Special Needs Dentistry, Applied

The pediatric dentists at Surprise Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics use numerous techniques to keep your child comfortable during treatment. We offer tailored behavior management and dental sedation. 

First and foremost, our team strives to establish a relationship with your child and build their trust. Our knowledgeable dental staff then uses the techniques and equipment that best serve your child’s needs and creates the most pleasant experience.

How To Prepare a Child With Special Needs for a Dental Appointment

Surprise Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics recommends that you talk to your child favorably about their dental appointment in advance. Mark the date on your calendar and count down the days. Give yourself extra time on the day of your visit so that your child does not feel rushed or pressured. 

Your child may feel more secure if you stay with them during the appointment.

Contact Us

The caring team of pediatric dental professionals at Surprise Pediatric Dentistry has extensive knowledge and experience in treating special needs children. We strive to make your child’s dental appointment as comfortable and pleasant as possible. To learn more about special needs dentistry and schedule an appointment, call us today at (602) 730-6481.

Join us for a $99 New Pediatric Patient Special Offer.

