by Patricia Braun | Mar 30, 2022 | Uncategorized
Let’s face it—getting children excited about dental hygiene is incredibly difficult. But have you considered what might just be the perfect solution to the daily battle that it is getting your children to brush their teeth? Electric toothbrushes not only make a...
by Patricia Braun | Mar 30, 2022 | Uncategorized
Kids are always getting into some kind of trouble, and if that trouble has something to do with the state of their teeth, you’ll want to be prepared. Some emergencies you can handle yourself, but for others, you’ll most likely need a dentist. Seven of the most common...
by Patricia Braun | Mar 30, 2022 | Uncategorized
There’s nothing like your child climbing on your lap and breathing a very smelly “I love you, Mommy,” into your face. Bad breath is a common problem in kids, simply because it doesn’t have the same unpleasant social implications as it does for adults. However, that...
by Patricia Braun | Mar 30, 2022 | Uncategorized
It’s important to screen the foods your children eat, but perhaps even more important is watching what liquids they drink. Drinks often seem harmless, since it doesn’t seem likely that such a thin substance could have so many calories and sugar. However, the beverages...
by Patricia Braun | Mar 30, 2022 | Uncategorized
Going to the dentist can be a total nightmare if you have kids. They might kick and scream and cry during the whole experience. If you have this problem with your kids, you should look into a good pediatric dentist. What Is Pediatric Dentistry? Children obviously have...
by Patricia Braun | Mar 30, 2022 | Uncategorized
Though most holiday treats aren’t exactly good for kids’ teeth, some are much better than others. You don’t want to deprive your child of all the delicious snacks, but you can be a little more choosy about which ones they eat. Here are a few holiday treats that will...
by Patricia Braun | Mar 30, 2022 | Uncategorized
Orthodontic work can be a tremendous expense for your child’s teeth, yet the cosmetic and dental health benefits that orthodontic work offer can also be tremendous. While much of how your child’s teeth grow in is dependent on genetics and other factors outside of your...
by Patricia Braun | Mar 30, 2022 | Uncategorized
While chewing gum can seem like a wonderful alternative to sugary snacks for your kids, it may have worse side effects than you might think. Think about the following things before you slide the next piece of gum to your children Migraines A recent study found that...
by Patricia Braun | Dec 7, 2021 | Uncategorized
It’s normal for your baby to start sucking their thumb when they are young; it’s an important part of them learning how to self soothe. The simple act of thumbsucking as a baby is not something that you as a parent need to worry about. It only becomes a problem if the...
by Patricia Braun | Dec 7, 2021 | Uncategorized
It’s no surprise that certain foods have different effects on your child’s teeth. Some foods, like those that are high in sugar, can cause serious dental problems if proper hygiene isn’t followed. Other foods are necessary for the healthy dental development of your...